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8 Games to Play With Your Indoor Cat | The Cat Consultant

Dogs might be known for their eagerness and trainability, but your feline friends can learn tricks and enjoy games too! While cats may not be as eager to please as dogs, experimenting with different movements and interactions can reveal your cat's love for one-on-one playtime. Whether you're trying to coax a shy kitty out of their shell or just looking to bond, here are some fun ideas:

1. Kitty Hide and Seek

This classic game can be adapted to tap into your cat's natural stalking instincts. Start at mealtime by calling your cat's name and giving them a high-value treat like tuna when they come to you. Move to another room and repeat the process, using the treat as motivation for your cat to find you. Play as long as your cat stays interested. Be prepared to feel like a game show host constantly giving out prizes!

2. The Fishing Game

With a piece of string or twine and almost any household object, you can create an irresistible toy. Tie the string to a bottle cap, small cardboard box, or catnip toy and let it dangle in front of your cat. They'll be intrigued by the floating object. Always supervise this game to ensure safety, as swallowed string can cause serious health issues. Just remember, you'll be the one doing the work, while your cat gets to channel their inner Moby Dick.

3. Feline Agility Course

Cats are natural athletes, and you can create a mini agility course to showcase their skills. Start with a simple cat tunnel, using treats to encourage your cat to run through it. Gradually increase the complexity by adding more tunnels or obstacles. Use commands like "through" or "tunnel" to reinforce the activity. It's like the kitty Olympics in your living room, minus the gold medals (or the doping scandals).

4. Motorised Toys

Battery-powered toys are a long-time favourite for cats, mimicking the movements of real prey. Options include jittery mouse-shaped toys, rolling ferrets, and even flying drones that challenge your cat's agility. These toys engage your cat's hunting instincts and provide hours of fun. Plus, there's nothing quite like watching your cat turn into a mini predator in your living room. Jurassic Park, but with more purring.

5. Cat TV

The digital age offers video games designed specifically for cats. These games feature bright colours, moving animals, and attractive sounds that captivate your cat's attention. Watching your cat try to catch virtual prey can be both entertaining and stimulating for them. Just be ready to explain to your human friends why your tablet has tiny paw prints all over it.

6. Food Puzzle Challenges

Puzzle feeders can be a fun and challenging way to engage your cat's mind. Start by placing kibble and a high-value treat in a simple, transparent puzzle feeder. Gradually introduce more complex puzzles to stimulate your cat's problem-solving abilities and patience. It's like giving your cat a Sudoku puzzle, but with snacks!

7. Cat Fetch

Some cat owners are surprised to learn that cats can play fetch, especially with a bit of incentive. While cats might not be naturally inclined to fetch like dogs, they can be enticed with a high-value treat. This game works best with dog-like breeds such as Maine Coons and Bengals, but many cats will participate if the reward is appealing enough. Who knew that your kitty could turn into a retriever? Just don't expect them to bring back the remote anytime soon.

8. DIY Toys

Sometimes, the best toys are the simplest ones. Toilet paper rolls and large boxes can become your cat's favourite playthings. You don't need to spend a lot to keep your cat entertained—just use your imagination and available materials to create new toys. After all, who needs fancy toys when your cat is perfectly happy with your rubbish?

Cats are curious, playful creatures that can enjoy a variety of games with a bit of creativity and time. Whether you're using fancy digital games or simple DIY toys, your cat will appreciate the effort and enjoy the bonding experience. Remember to rotate and hide your cat's toys weekly to keep them interested and engaged. After all, variety is the spice of life.